Enchanted Equipment
The game-engine allows players to come across magical equipment. Each time an item appears in the game, the engine can enhance it with magical powers. Each generated items can also have its properties altered by the quality factor (e.g. Bent helmet, Old Jacket or Reinforced Plate).
Depending on the type of item generated, it's magical properties may differ. If food for example becomes magical - consuming it will permanently grant the character its particular property bonus.
Most magic items in the game will only provide the relevant bonus to the character if worn in the active equipment.
Equipment can also become enchanted by a result of an interaction or through magic rituals and spells.
Enchanted Weapons & Armour
As with any other equipment card in the game, a weapon is a subject to quality and magic enhancements. Magically upgraded weapons can be found in chests and other containers in dungeon directly or acquired through quests and events. Some weapons can be recovered from the remains of slain enemies.
Each item has a random chance of becoming magical and there is no guarantee that magical equipment will always spawn in the adventure dungeon.
Tier 1 - Enchanted
On a rare occasion weapons can become enchanted with Tier 1 magical upgrades. It's title will be modified with a relevant prefix or suffix and properties of the upgrade will be added onto the weapon card. This effectively means that a "Long Sword" card can become:
Long Sword of strength – The attack property of the weapon is increased as a result of magical powers that are transferred onto the wielder.
Long Sword of stone – The weapon, except for providing its basic strength bonus also increases the defence attribute of the hero.
Long Sword of life - While equipped, the weapon will also provide the additional maximum health points bonus.
Enchanted Long Sword - Except for its normal strength bonus, the weapon also provides additional bonus to Strength, Defence and Health.
Possessed Long Sword - Except for its normal strength bonus, the weapon also provides significant additional bonus to Strength, Defence and Health.
Blessed Long Sword – In addition to its normal strength bonus ,the weapon also provides huge additional bonus to Strength, Defence and Health.
Poisonous Long Sword – The weapon also deals elemental Poison damage.
Fiery Long Sword – The weapon also deals elemental Fire damage.
Cold Long Sword – The weapon also deals elemental Ice damage.
Demonic Long Sword – The weapon also deals elemental Darkness damage.
Holy Long Sword – The weapon also deals elemental Holy damage.
Tier 2 - Runic
On a very rare occasion a Tier 1 - enchanted weapon can become upgraded with Tier 2 magical power. It's title will be modified with relevant prefix or suffix and properties of the upgrade will be added onto the weapon card. This effectively means that a Tier 1 enchanted weapon such as "Demonic Long Sword" card can now become:
Runic Demonic Long Sword of Blood - grants additional bonus to the maximum health of the hero.
Runic Demonic Long Sword of Power - grants additional bonus to the strength of the character.
Runic Demonic Long Sword of Suppression - grants additional bonus to the defence of the character.